
Flow Assurance Engineering

Flow Assurance Senior Engineer

2023 - Now: TechnipFMC, Lysaker, Norway

The Flow Assurance team provides service to all parts of the TechnipFMC Subsea business, both locally and globally. The team is part of the FrontEnd and System Engineering department, and we collaborate closely in teams working with field development, tenders, project delivery, and Life of Field services.  We are also involved in technology development projects related to the energy transition.         

Role and responsibilities:

  • Lead Flow Assurance activities in local and global studies and projects
  • Execute steady state and transient Flow Assurance analysis on subsea infrastructure
  • Collaborate with Technical System Lead and Product Engineers in defining solutions
  • Participate in design and safety reviews
  • Create, review, and approve Flow Assurance technical documents
  • Support TechnipFMC software development team on digitalization activities
  • Work closely with Clients on all phases of field development and operation


Petroleum Production Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy

2020-2023: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

Thesis: Experimental and Numerical Study of Sub-sea Bulk Oil-Water Separation


  • Improvement, study, and numerical prediction of separation technology.
  • Evaluate experimentally the effect of surfactants, inlet choking, and presence of gas (air) on the separation performance, characterization of the droplet distribution along the separator, and experimental and numerical study of uneven flow splitting between branches.
  • Development of numerical models to match experimental measurements with the final goal of performing separator pre-design.

The main objective of this project is to study experimentally and numerically bulk oil-water separation in a parallel pipe separator for subsea applications.  Compact seabed oil-water separation is a key technology that could enable, increase and prolong production from offshore oil and gas fields, increase energy efficiency, and reduce cost.

Subsea Bulk Oil-Water Separation (Download Here)

Master of Science

2015-2018: Petroleum University of Technology (PUT), Ahwaz, Iran. GPA (16.49/20)

Thesis: Experimental Investigation of Gas/Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone Separator

Abstract: The Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone (GLCC) separators have proven themselves in the laboratory and field, as a well alternative to the conventional gravity-based gas/liquid separator. This study presents an investigation of the effect of changes in physical aspects on GLCC performance. These changes are including increases in outlet length and reduction in gas body column length, inlet, body column, and liquid and gas outlet diameter. Results show that a reduction in inlet diameter enhanced the GLCC performance but any reduction in the diameter of the body column and the liquid outlet has a negative effect on that. Also, changes in gas outlet diameter don’t influence on the GLCC flowrates domain. Any increase in the length of outlets rises the friction force and diminishes the performance of the separator.

The gas lock is one of the main problems of multiphase flow in separator risers. This thesis presents the results of comprehensive experimental studies on characteristics of gas lock-in riser that has been conducted on a transparent pipe with a 24.5 mm internal diameter for simulating the riser with variation in angle for 3 different riser angle. Flow regimes maps were presented for a range of obtained experimental data to show in which settings the gas lock has occurred in the riser. An examination of the experimental data conducted that the gas lock repetition frequency and Taylor bubble velocity increased with the gas superficial velocity. The Taylor bubble passage duration was observed to increase as the liquid and gas superficial velocity increased at 83° but was observed to be weakly dependent on them at  90°. The slug passage duration was also observed to decrease with an increase in gas and liquid superficial velocity. All of the empirical correlations have overpredicted the actual pressure drop in the riser.

Experimental Investigation of Gas/Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone Separator (Download Here)

Bachelor of Science

2011-2015: Petroleum University of Technology (PUT), Ahwaz, Iran.

Thesis: Simulation of Acidizing one of the Iranian South West Oil Wells

Abstract: Most Iranian petroleum reservoirs’ wells have problems with their high skin, so petroleum engineers have seriously tried to find an efficient solution to help the well to produce at the optimum flow rate, but doing a treatment without prediction and evaluation may harm the reservoir instead of helping. Pumping acid into the wellbore to remove near-well formation damage and other damaging substances, Matrix Acidizing, is one of those solutions that may help good production. Success in matrix acidizing depends on true evaluation and investigation of actions between rock minerals and acid fluids. This procedure commonly enhances production by increasing the effective well radius. When performed at pressures above the pressure required to fracture the formation, the procedure is often referred to as acid fracturing.

This project is going to (1) explain the well skin or damage and how it may happen in the well, (2) how acidizing treatment in the carbonate reservoir, (3)introduce the modeling equations that are used in carbonate acidizing, and at last (4) examine them on a real case with special acidizing software and compare with real welltest analysis data. The real case in this project has two welltest before and after an acidizing treatment. These tests give two different results in the correct way meaning the treatment was successful and skin has been reduced. It has been expected the software will predict skin reduction precisely.

Simulation of Acidizing one of the Iranian South West Oil Wells (Download Here)

My Job Experience

     Company Name                  Designation    Duration  Responsibilities 
National Iranian Oil Co. (ICOFC) Production Engineer Internship14 days
  •  Phases Separation, Transporting
Overseas Technical Services (OTS)
[Well Service Company]    
 Petroleum Engineer Internship27 days
  •  Mud logging, H2S Protection, Wireline Logging, Welltesting, and Acidizing, HSE
Research Center of Petroleum University of Technology Research Center Assistant6 months
  •  PVT analysis, Core Analysis, Acidizing Tests
Gachsaran Development Plan Center of Petroleum University of Technology Research Assistant 6 months
  •  Screening EOR & IOR methods and developing an MDP for Gachsaran Oil Field 
 Iran Ofogh Industry Development (IOID) Technical Engineer and Superintendent of Technical Office
 7 months
  •  Maintenance Project of Yadavaran Oil Field 
  •  Operation & Maintenance Project of South Azadegan, Aban, and West Paydar Oil Fields
 SUBPRO Group - NTNU Researcher3 years & 3 months
  •  Working as a researcher on the Separation Process Concepts team
 TechnipFMCFlow Assurance Senior Engineer  Since
June 2023
  •  Lead Flow Assurance activities in local and global studies and projects
  • Execute steady state and transient Flow Assurance analysis on subsea infrastructure

My Awards & Achivements

 Title Description
 Winner of 3rd Oilympic Challenge Winner of PPZ Challenge (Screening of EOR Methods for Bangestan Reservoirs)
 Finalist of EAGE Laurie Dake Field ChallengeAccented for 6 best teams among 24 other teams from different universities. (Download Here)
 Winner of the Young Inventor Contest3rd place in the Young Inventor Contest.
 Partial scholarship from the petroleum ministry for students of PUTBachelor's Degree Scholarship from the Petroleum University of Technology.
Master's Degree Scholarship from the Petroleum University of Technology.
 Student Travel Grant AwardWinning 580 euros from EAGE to attend in 78th annual conference and exhibition (2016).
Winning 400 euros from EAGE to attend in 80th annual conference and exhibition (2018).
Winning 1000 euros from EAGE to attend in 81st annual conference and exhibition (2019).
 Accepted in Total Trial InterviewQualified in Total Trial Interview at EAGE Paris Conference (2017).
Qualified in Total Trial Interview at EAGE Copenhagen Conference (2018).
 Accepted for Military Service in National Elite Foundation                           Doing a project instead of military service (Accepted on April 2018).
 Winner of Global Geo-quiz 1st place in the geoscience and geophysics exam among 30 other teams from different universities. (2018)
 Reviewer of Journal of Natural Gas and Science (Download Here) (2018).
 Reviewer of EAGE Conference and Exhibition. 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (2020)


H. Asaadian is a Ph.D. candidate at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His major is Production from Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and his last works were about formation damage and two-phase flow through wellbores and pipelines. Also, he was a teacher assistant for petroleum engineering courses such as Production Engineering 1 & 2, Well Logging, IOR, Well Completion, and Stimulation. He was the developer and responsible for installing and maintaining PVT cells and two-phase flow simulators in PUT Research Center and Production Lab. After that, he worked as head of the technical department in IOID on Yadavaran, South Azadegan, and West Paydar Fields Production and Operation Projects. He continued his career as a researcher of the separation team in SUBPRO group of NTNU in 2020.


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