1. Simulation of Acidizing in Carbonate Reservoir in Vertical Wells (2014-2015)

Matrix acidizing is a common practice in well stimulation to increase the permeability of carbonate formations and then facilitate the oil flow to the wellbore. The acidizing operation is accomplished by injecting reactive fluids to dissolve and disperse the rock while creating highly conductive wormholes. This project is done to determining a proper path to executing the matrix acidizing treatment by modeling the field treatment by engineering software (Stim CADE & Stim PT).

2. Optimization of Carbonate Acidizing in Horizontal Wells (2015-2016)

The using of horizontal wells is an effective exploitation way for naturally fractured reservoirs. Investigation of main types of damage in horizontal wells and finding the best solution to remove them by using engineering software (Stim CADE).

3. Experimental Study over Slug Characteristics in Risers (2016-2017)

At an offshore platform receiving an oil/gas two-phase stream from a long flowline, production may be in the form of long liquid slugs and gas surges instead of being smooth. When the length of the liquid slug exceeds the length of the riser, severe slugging, as opposed to normal slugging, is said to occur. In normal slug flow, slugs are not very long, on the order of 20 pipe diameters. In severe slugging, however, the liquid slugs build up at the riser base; consequently, the gas is trapped and accumulates upstream until the flowline pressure is high enough to drive the slug out of the riser. This project consisted of three phases: 1. Building an experimental setup 2. Designing an optimum experiment    3. Finding slug characteristics

4. Asphaltene Sludge during acidizing treatment (2017-2018)

The formation of asphaltic sludge during acid stimulation has been a serious problem in many areas for several years. Recent studies have shown that sludge may also affect results in many areas where it has not yet been recognized as such. These studies indicate that: (1) sludge is a precipitate of colloidal materials present in crude oil; (2) the precipitates occur due to changes in environmental conditions of the crude by the addition of materials such as, acid, (3) once formed, sludge is insoluble in most treating chemicals, and (4) sludge can be prevented or controlled by use of stabilizing agents in treating fluid or by use of certain solvents as the outer phase of acid-in- oil emulsions. 

5. PVT Analysis of Ahwaz Oil Field Fluid (2018)

Applying flash and separator test for Ahwaz field fluid by SANCHEZ PVT CELL. The phase behavior instrument PVT FV EDU FV has the same analysis capabilities as our best-seller PVT FV with a downgraded pressure/volume ratio and less automatism (automatic rotating mechanism, automated pneumatic valves). The PVT FV EDU FV can perform the full range of experimentations that PVT FV can perform with crude oil, volatile oil, or gas condensate: Constant Compositional Expansion, Constant Compositional Depletion, Separator Test, Differential Vaporization, Fluid Envelop Phase, and Constant Volume Depletion

6. Core Analysis of Haftkel Oil Field Rock (2018)

Plugging and taking Thin-section and applying RCAL & SCAL test for over 10 cores. Routine core analysis (RCAL) involves characterizing key properties of your core samples including Porosity, Absolute Permeability, Resistivity, Tortuosity, and Mineralogy. Special procedures and specific core handling methods may also be available upon request.

7. Schiehallion Field Development Plan (Laurie Dake EAGE Field Challenge) (2018-2019)

The FIELD Challenge – a Fully Integrated Evaluation and Development” task, now also known as the “Laurie Dake” Challenge was inaugurated in 2011, and every year about half of the active EAGE student chapters worldwide pit their skills for a grand prize and all the recognition provided by EAGE and the data set sponsors. Laurence Patrick (Laurie) Dake was a preeminent scientist and renowned author, paving the way for the education of new generations of reservoir engineers. He did a great contribution to the petroleum engineering profession, and in evoking his exceptional creative spirit, EAGE is pleased to name the FIELD Challenge after him.


You can find our final work and the results of this project below.

1st Round Report   (Download Here)

2nd Round Video  (Download Here)

8- Gachsaran Field Development Plan (2018-2019)

A full-scale development study on one of the most important fracture reservoirs of Iran including Data Mining, EOR Screening, Advanced Experimental Study, Sector Simulation, and Scale Upping.

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